Friday, October 30, 2009

Noseprints in the Carpet

I wrote a couple of days ago about spiritual checks. Once we start to develop a consistent prayer life and time with our Lord, Satan will do anything to keep us from continuing it. In fact, if he has his way, we won't even realize when it is starting to slip or fade. I know I am fading away from my Lord by the nose prints in my carpet! Sounds silly, doesn't it? But it's so true! I live alone, and have no pets. Joshua rarely gets to come over because of our work schedules. So, I'm the only one ever on my carpet. That means that I really don't have to vacuum more than a couple of times a month. Keeping a clean house is easier when you are the only one messing it up! And for those busy moms with a house full of people and animals, who are shooting daggers at me right now, just know that your time is coming when housework will be easier. And if you go through empty nest feelings, you may actually even long for a crazy, messy house again. Who knows? But for me, at this point in my life, it's just me, so it's not even bragging that my little place stays somewhat clean. Back to my point. I spend time with my Savior in many ways. I pray in many places at many times. And they are all precious. But there is nothing in the world like being prostate before Jehovah God. I long to humble myself to Him. I tend to struggle so much with pride and a stubborn heart. And a selfish heart, I might add. I also struggle with being too lazy and sluggish and tired to want to get flat on my face before my Lord. Some days my back hurts so bad that I know it won't be easy at all to get up because my back won't cooperate. Excuse after excuse after EXCUSE! So wicked and selfish and just down-right stupid! This is the Lord of life and glory!! This is the One who chose me before the foundations of the world! (Ephesians 1:4) This is the One who has been so very gracious to me, more than I can ever put into words or ever repay. How can I be so hard-hearted? And I didn't even give you the entire list of my excuses not to be on my face before my God in praise, prayer, intercession and supplication. My Master humbled Himself, came to this earth to suffer and die FOR ME! Beloved, He did it for you too! So what reason in the entire world could keep me off my face, thanking Him?
I went for many years, before being saved, hardly shedding a tear. My heart was so cold and hard. But now that I have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ my Savior, He has softened my heart so very much, just as He promised. (Ezekiel 11:19-20) And it amazes me how much I cry now. God is so faithful in changing my heart. And I cry more in prayer when on my face than any other time. It's true. And it's GOD. And I think I may know why, to some extent. When I prostrate myself before the Lord, I am immediately more humbled than at any other time. And I see so clearly when flat on my face, that I am in the throne room of Almighty God. Instantly the praise comes flowing out of such an unworthy heart. I am so unworthy! I know that God gives me His heart in prayer. I know that I am enabled in prayer by the faithful Holy Spirit, who helps me to pray. (Romans 8:26-27) I know that I am praying God's very heart back to Him. The prayer starts in heaven and returns back to Him. So it's God's heart that is being given to me. It's not me, for I am not capable. God places things on my heart to pray to Him about. And it just seems that whether it is praise, seeking forgiveness, interceding for someone else, or anything else that He puts on my heart, the tears flow. Whether it's joy or grief and heartbreak, it makes no difference. Sometimes it's pleading at the throne room of grace and mercy for some one's salvation (which is a very important part of my prayers). How can the tears not flow? Read Matthew 23:37-39 for Jesus' heart. So, when I am crying while on my face, it leaves nose prints in the carpet. When my prayers are cold, there are no tears at all...just cold thoughtless prayers. And don't get me wrong, not every prayer comes with tears. Not at all. But for me, when I am in right relationship, right communion with my Lord, and I pray for His heart during prayer, many times the tears naturally flow. I have a whole lot of years of hard-hardness to make up for and God has chosen to bless me with tender tears. I praise Him for that. So that is my barometer, if you will, on where I am in my walk with my Master. And when I don't see nose prints in the carpet, I know I have been away from my Lord to some extent, and know it is time to humble myself to Him and pray for His grace to bring me back. It may be something completely different for you. But if you are a child of God and have developed such time with your Lord, then He wants you to have a barometer also. Pray and ask Him how you can know when you first start to slack off from where He has so graciously brought you to in your walk with Himself. Don't let Satan get a foothold! Don't be mistaken though, once saved, always saved! You can't ever slip out of His hand. And the reason is because you're not holding onto Him, He is holding onto you!! (John 10:28) But we can backslide, whether it's a big backsliding or just falling away from our prayer life and bible reading and time with our Lord. So develop a check system with your Master and King. And if you find yourself fading from that, or realize that you are not growing in the grace and knowledge of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,(2 Peter 3:18) then immediately take it to the throne room and plead for His grace to bring you back. He is faithful and will do it.

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