Tuesday, October 20, 2009

And so it begins

It's been a long time coming. I didn't know that Oct. 20, 2009 would be the day, or even if there ever would be a day at all. I had not, until now, gotten an answer from my Master. The journey started on April 6, 2003. That was the day that I, being drawn by the Holy Spirit, recognized my sinful life, and my need for a Savior. That was the day I told God that I longed for forgiveness. That was the day that I was forgiven...that very moment...washed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!! And so, at that very hour, the journey began. It wasn't until about two years later that I prayed for the first time about the possibility of writing something that would bring Him glory. I've never stopped praying that prayer..."God only if it's YOUR will". And now the answer has come.."Yes, you will write." I was hardly prepared for the answer, even though it has been a continual prayer. I've always had an audience...an audience of one! I love to talk and tell of the things of God when alone...OUTLOUD even! And I almost always listen. And then God blessed me with the honor of being able to disciple my son, who is now also walking with the Lord. And so my audience grew. God started putting individual people in my life to witness and minister to. Then came the call to teach Sunday school kindergarten. That floored me because I wanted to teach women the word of God, about not living a life of "Christianity Lite". But after a year of tuning God out with His call for children's ministry, I obeyed with, I'm ashamed to say, little joy at first and much trepidation, along with a great amount of disappointment. "God, what about all the ways you've grown me over the last few years? Don't you want me to share that with ADULTS, on a larger scale, since all these truths are YOUR truths, Lord? Don't you want the masses to know, Lord? There's certainly enough false teachers leading the masses astray!" Wow, such wickedness on my part...such pride, stubborn and hard heart, thinking I knew best, lack of trust...on and on I could go. But God is so patient, so loving, and He soon changed my heart completely! Dana, just trust in the Lord, rest in the Lord, wait patiently on the Lord, serve the Lord faithfully in WHATEVER He calls you to. And do it with all joy. God had a plan, still does. His timing is perfect. The answer was never "no" about writing, it was always "wait". And this blog is the outlet He has chosen for me to tell of His goodness and mercy, His love and faithfulness. And so, the journey begins. Thank you Adoni. May it be a sweet smelling aroma. May it honor You, and bring glory to your holy Name.

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