Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Spiritual Checks

Child of God, where are you in your intimacy with your Master? It is only Satan who would love for us to stay ignorant of our level of intimacy with the One who died for us. Our Savior's desire is that we will cultivate the closest of relationships with Him. He wants to be, and has a right to be, our Everything, our All in All. And He wants for us to develop ways to recognize where we are in our relationship with Him. He is our heavenly Husband, our Best Friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24) He is our Shepherd. (Psalm 23) Satan would have us think that it's not even necessary to stay aware of where we are in our walk with Christ. That is a lie. It's not enough that we check Jesus off of our spiritual daily checklist like we would check items off our grocery list while shopping. Jesus isn't something we do. Prayer isn't just something we try to accomplish in the morning and evening. My son admitted to me the other day that he hasn't always understood what it meant when I would often say to him, "Spend time with your Lord today. Spend time with your Captain today and get your marching orders before stepping out your front door. Spend time with your Master today and find out how He wants to use you. Just spend time with Jesus today". He said he understood reading His bible, understood prayer, but couldn't quite get his mind around what it meant to "spend time" with Someone he couldn't see, touch, or physically hear. Can you relate to that? I can. Every child of God, at some point early in their walk with the Lord, has to grapple with that. And it can tend to be a struggle. We understand one on one conversations with flesh and blood, skin and bones, eyes and ears. We think only in the realm of what we can see, touch, hear with our physical ear, verbal back and forth conversation, physical hugs and smiles. How do you "spend time" and even go so far as to proclaim "intimacy" with Someone whom you don't see or touch or hear with your physical being? I'll tell you how Joshua learned it. He took his confusion and his desire to understand, and to have such "time" with his Master, directly to the throneroom of the One Who spoke and created the heavens and the earth, the One who created him, Jehovah God, very God of very God! And what is so AWESOME, so cool, is that not only does Jesus want us to have that wonderful, nothing-compares-to-it relationship with Himself, HE will give it to you!! He will do it! Is that not incredible? Think about it, HE will show you and teach you, through the Holy Spirit, how to love Him and become more intimate with Himself! That is so powerful, isn't it? Think of this. When we have feelings for someone and we want them to love us, adore us, or even treat us how we want to be treated, how often do we TEACH them how to do this? Especially us females, we know what we want, know what we like, and know what we expect, and then just sit back and wait for them to figure it out. Whether it be a boyfriend, spouse, family member, friend, we can tend to act this way. We are so bad about keeping it bottled up when someone isn't treating us or loving us the way we want. We act like everything is fine, and even say, "I'm fine", the whole time thinking that they are morons for not figuring out what we want. I've been there. And of course, if we are children of God, we should never act this way, but it happens. So here you have the King of all kings and Lord of all lords, the Lord of life and glory. He desires AND deserves our love, devotion, adoration, worship, thoughts, time, desires, longings, He wants and deserves our all. And the cool thing is that HE gives us the ability to give ourselves completely to Him. We don't do it, we CAN'T do it, we're not capable. He is. And He doesn't just sit back and watch us struggle on how to love Him, and get huffy when we can't figure it out. He shows us and teaches us and HE cultivates it, if only we will ask Him to, and then be willing to give ourselves to Him. And beloved, even the desire to love Him and know Him comes from Him! If left to ourselves, we would never want Him or desire Him. Even that is a gift from God straight to His children. Is that not awesome? Take the desires that He has placed in your heart, through the Holy Spirit, to the throneroom. Tell Jesus that you long for the intimate relationship that He designed for you to have, and He will honor that prayer, and answer that prayer in ways that will blow you away with joy and gratitude. And be ready to be obedient to whatever He calls you to in this relationship with Almighty God! Your obedience is key! Then watch it grow! It will amaze you. It will humble you, as it did me and Joshua, that He would count you worthy of Himself, when we are so very unworthy of His love. All His holiness, all His beauty, all His love and grace, all His tenderness, His truth...all of Him, a relationship like you never knew was possible! Do it today, don't wait. It is too important and will be life-changing, I promise. Praise be to the King!

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