Friday, November 20, 2009

Watch Your Toes

I know I am getting ready to step on a lot of toes but it is something that God wouldn't have me keep silent about. The news broke today that Oprah will have her last show in 2011. This should be great news to the true Christian. The sad part though is that Oprah will continue in other media ventures and continue her ungodly influence long after her show is over. Even though she won't admit it, she has been converted to the New Age Movement. If you doubt anything I say, just google Oprah and religion. You can also go to UTube and type in "Oprah's view of Jesus" and watch for yourself the things she has said to blaspheme the Name of God. Many guests on her show are New Age and that is the religion she promotes. She promotes pluralism constantly. When questioned one time by a member of her audience on Jesus being the only way to heaven Oprah responded, "There couldn't be only one way...Does God care about your heart or whether you called His son Jesus?" Oprah, the answer is YES!! The bible makes it clear that Jesus is the only way. In John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". She has guests on her show like Shirley MacLaine, M. Scott Peck, James Van Praagh, Marilyn Fergusen and many more. She heavily promotes Eckhart Tolle and even has religious training sessions hosted by him. Read James 3:1 on stricter judgement for teachers. None of these people believe that Jesus is the only way. Oprah says that you have to be more open minded than that. Oprah says that if Jesus claims exclusive Divinity, that would make Him the biggest egotist that ever lived. I shudder when I hear people talk like that about the King of kings and Lord of lords.
But you may argue that Oprah has done a lot of good for others. All of the good that she does is filthy rags in the eyes of God!(Isaiah 64:6) Oprah's own goodness is worthless! And no amount of money can buy the righteousness of Jesus Christ. That is one of the things that has increased her popularity through the years; her generosity. But now that she has an audience in the millions on a daily basis, she uses her show to promote blasphemy against a holy God. Every single thing she promotes on religion is an assault against Jehovah. If Oprah doesn't come to Christ and be saved, she will be tortured forever and ever in hell for all of the millions of people she has lead astray.....just like Joel Osteen. He teaches a different message than her, but is still leading millions down the path to hell. Jesus will hold them accountable. The blood of souls will be on their hands and put on their account to be paid for in hell for all eternity. These people live for their father the devil. It is their mission in life to deceive people, even if you think that they don't realize what they are doing. Some of you will argue that you don't accept all of her teachings, you just like some of the other kinds of topics on her show. If you are a true child of God, you have no business watching a single show of hers, or even turning her show on. Please read 2 Corinthians 6:14-17. Light and darkness have no part in each other. Righteousness and lawlessness have nothing in common. Why would you even want to associate yourself with someone who is an enemy of God, an enemy of the cross of Jesus Christ? These passages don't deal with marriage only. It goes for any relationship where you are trying to mingle good with evil, a lie with the Truth. Read Isiah 5:20. It is critical to remember for Oprah and those who lead the masses astray. As 2 Cor. 6:17 says, "Come out from among them and be ye separate"!!! Beloved, you have no business letting anything a heretic says enter your mind and heart. Some babes in the faith would not even be able to discern the difference between the lies and the Truth. Jesus and Paul both warn about leaven. Read 1 Cor. 5:6 for the warning about a little leaven and how it leavens the whole lump. You can't just take a little truth and try to filter out the lies. That is a very dangerous thing to attempt. Jesus spoke of the leaven of the Pharisees. Read Matthew 16:6, Mark 8:15 and Luke 12:1. These are all warnings. It breaks my heart when I hear people who claim the name of Christ talk about liking to listen to different preachers and teachers, like Todd Bentley, T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar and so many others who teach a false gospel; the prosperity gospel. People who listen to these heretics always say the same thing...they just take some parts of the message and disregard the rest. This is so incredibly dangerous, beloved! Jesus never advised people to listen to what the pharisees taught because some of it was good and lined up with God. They had some truths of God but Jesus warned against them completely. He laid them and their teachings flat!! He called them vipers, hypocrites, white washed tombs, ect. His anger BURNED against them for leading the masses astray while claiming to be children of God. He told them that they were of their father the devil. So are these false teachers and preachers today. And if they do not repent and ask Jesus to save them, they will burn in hell for their sins against a holy God and for leading so many of their followers along with them straight to hell. Of course some of what false teachers and enemies like Oprah say is going to ring true! It's like a burrito. You have the tortilla which may represent the truth but then it is stuffed full of all the lies and heresy against a holy God. Unless you know your bible backwards and forwards, you can't always discern the lies. And if you are a child of God and you DO know your bible backwards and forwards, you wouldn't even WANT to associate yourself with those heretics in any way, shape, or form. There's a Christian lady named Lysa Terkeurst. Focus on the Family broadcasted her speaking on adoption and giving her testimony to a group of ladies. I loved it. It touched my heart so much that I called and ordered it. I passed it along to Joshua and he loved it also. Several months later I heard it advertised that she was coming to Memphis. As soon as the ad started I got very excited. As I continued to listen it talked about the fact that she had been on Oprah. She was using Oprah's fame to bring women to hear her testimony. It is not the only time I have heard something about her promoting herself and connecting herself with being on Oprah. My heart fell. There was no way in the world I wanted to go and listen to someone speak on God who felt like they had to use Oprah's popularity to promote themselves and everything they wanted to matter how noble the cause. Joshua felt the same way. This woman compromised the name of Jesus to go on the Oprah show to talk about matters of God. WOW!! Horrible, and it had to grieve the heart of Jesus. It had to anger a holy, righteous God. Does Lysa not know that God is big enough and can promote her testimony and her worthy cause without using an enemy of His? Does she not realize that God can cause the whole world to hear His message spoken through her if He so chooses, and he doesn't need Oprah's platform to do it? What does darkness and light have to do with each other? How could she prostitute her message of Jesus on the set of a blasphemer? This is serious. It has to be a horrible offense against the holy God of this universe! And she has a link from being on the Oprah show on her blog. She has a big display on her page advertising her appearance on Oprah. She is obviously very proud of this. When she tours the country, she makes it known that she is a speaker that has "been on the Oprah show". It would be like a married preacher going to a strip club to have sex with all the strippers in order to preach the gospel to them while in the middle of the sex act. I see it as no different. And if you think that is a hard stand to take against a child of God, read the Old Testament. See what God had to say about His people prostituting themselves against His holy Name. Some of His language is very graphic and you can tell how His anger BURNS against His children who do this.
You have to care about what you allow into your life and where you go and what you do and what you say if you claim the name of Jesus Christ. And this is so very critical because the world is watching you. Beloved, you have to guard what you allow to go into your eyes, ears, mind and heart. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. He cannot have anything to do with such darkness from the pit of hell. You grieve Him terribly when you watch Oprah and those like her. God does not allow us to pick and choose what truths of His we want to follow. He doesn't let us mingle Satan with Himself. Think about it this way. You may say that most of Oprah's shows are harmless and completely off of the topic of religion. But if you aren't discerning enough to realize the fact that you have no business watching her in the first place, then you won't have the wisdom to know the difference in all of the lies verses the Truth. Suppose you have a tea that you really love drinking everyday. Now suppose you put a little drop of poison in your cup every time you drink your tea. You might think that just a little drop of poison won't hurt you. But it does, it harms your body to some degree. And if you keep ingesting it day after day, it will eventually kill you. At the very least you will be extremely ill. It's the same thing with watching Oprah. It's like selling your soul to the devil. It is such unfaithfulness to the One who died for you. Don't you know how much you hurt the heart of Jesus every time you enjoy a show of someone who is His bitter enemy?? Please, please think about it. There is no way that you can spend time out of your life watching and enjoying someone who assaults the holy Lamb of God and not be held accountable for it. It is unfaithfulness to the One who had to go to the cross and DIE for that sin. And He loves you so much that He, even knowing that you were going to find pleasure in His enemy, chose to suffer and die for you so that you could live with Him for all eternity. Would you dream of being unfaithful to your spouse? Then precious one, don't be unfaithful to your heavenly Husband. Take a stand for His honor, and bless His heart today by refusing spiritual unfaithfulness, and choose this day Whom you will give your undying love and devotion to.


  1. Standing with you, sister! <'BB><

  2. Dana, you are so right!!! And I stand with you 100 % on this.
