Friday, December 25, 2009

Submit Your Will

As children of God, He will call us to obedience in so many different areas, so many varied aspects of service. There are always going to be some areas of His calling that are easier for you to obey than others. If you're inclined to be a people person, then Him calling you to minister on a one-on-one basis with someone else is going to be something you are comfortable with. But God doesn't always allow you to stay in your comfort zone. In fact, it seems to be the norm that He will call you away from it. But of course He will always equip you, whatever He calls you to. It's never a matter of not being equipped by God, but it is sometimes a matter of willingness to go where He sends you. That is the case with me. As I have shared in previous posts, I have never, ever been a people person. I have never been comfortable around other people and would be happy on a deserted island. If there was such a thing as a lone ranger Christian, I would be the first one in line! Having to interact with others has been something that God has been growing me in the last 6 1/2 years. I have to admit that I haven't always gone willingly, with a cheerful heart. Sometimes it feels as if He is having to give me quite a nudge. There are times when I hope He will just forget about something He is calling me to. But more times than not, He will keep bringing it back up, giving me yet another opportunity to obey. Have you ever had something that your Master is calling you to, and all you really want to say is, "Jesus, would You mind this one time just dropping it?" Or how about this one: "Jesus, can we just move on to something else?" He's not likely to do it. Oh yes, there have been times when He gave me an opportunity to obey Him by making myself available in someone's life. I would balk at it and the opportunity left, not to return. Someone else was sent in my place, and that someone else, no doubt, received the blessing and reward for their obedience and willingness to go. I forfeited it! If God has planned to reach someone and He calls you to be the one to go, if you don't, He will raise up someone else. He will give you the chance to be the one used to bless that person He is reaching, or helping. It's your choice whether or not you are willing to go. If you choose not to obey the first time, He will sometimes give you another chance. But there are times when that particular opportunity never presents itself again. It's gone forever! I always wonder, when I refuse to obey and be sent, who the servant was that was sent in my place. Who was the one; faithful, joyous in obeying the voice of his/her Master? Did they even hesitate or did they jump up and go, all the while thanking their Lord for another opportunity to serve Him? Did they pray for the grace and strength to do all that was in His heart in the situation, and pray that He would get the glory? Was their heart blessed tremendously afterwards? And once I have thought about all these things, I grieve over my lack of love for my King. You know, if I truly loved Him as I should, as He deserves, I would NEVER say no! I would never hesitate to obey Him in WHATEVER He calls me to, regardless of how much it goes against my nature to do so. When I was young in the faith and still so unsure that God would take care of me when He sent me to someone new, I would sometimes think, "Oh God, anything but that! Lord, please, I just CAN'T minister to THAT person! I can't relate to her! Lord, I would just make a mess of things!" So many excuses. I tend to keep a laundry list of reasons why I can't, but anything and everything beside "Yes, Lord", is SIN!!
Beloved, do you ever struggle with obeying your Lord when He calls you to something that goes against your nature? Do you balk when He calls you out of your comfort zone? Just know that it has happened, at one time or another, to the strongest saints in God's army! It happens to the least too, like me. If you struggle in this area of unwillingness to come out of your comfort zone, know that God is aware of your weakness. He wants to strengthen you so that when you DO obey, and you go where He sends you, when He gives you success in what He calls you to, then HE will get the glory! His mighty Name will be magnified and glorified. He will be praised and honored, as He should. You will sing to the mountaintops of how your God gave you victory! You will praise Him for His grace and strength, and the help from His mighty right arm. He is fitting us for the battle. He knows we need help. If we were confident in everything He calls us to, then we might tend to become proud of our own abilities and forget where it all comes from, Him. Don't loose hope. Don't give up. Keep asking God for more opportunities to obey and serve Him. Ask Him to use you in whatever way He decides! And then trust Him for the strength to carry it out. He is faithful and He will do it. Then, He will be glorified and you will be blessed with a heart full of joy for being counted worthy to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords!

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