Monday, December 21, 2009

The Baby Grew Up

Do you like to think of Jesus only as that sweet little baby in a manger? When someone says the name of Jesus, do you instantly think of Him as He was when He first came down here to earth to die for our sins? I have heard people respond to the question of what they think about Jesus by answering, "Oh, I love the sweet baby Jesus!" There is nothing wrong with loving Jesus. To love the Savior is wonderful. But there are people who never take their thoughts or feeling of Jesus past His being a little baby. To some, if they keep Him "baby" in their minds and hearts, they never have to deal with the fact that He is coming back to the earth next time as King and Judge! The story of the baby in a manger is only the first part of the story. It's gets better! Well, it gets better for the Christian. That Baby grew into a Man. That Baby is and was and always will be the Most High God! He is fully God and fully Man. He grew into the God-Man who went to the cross to die for your sins and mine. That sweet scene of an innocent baby turned into a scene of the innocent, spotless, sinless Lamb of God who died a violent death to save us from our sins. If you like to think of Jesus as that little baby, I want to ask you to consider the fact that you are missing the best part of who He is now. He is Savior. He is Lord. He is King. The Father has exalted Jesus and He now sits at the right hand of God. He will one day return to this earth. He will one day judge the sins of the ungodly. He will one day bring everything hidden into light. If you die without Christ, there won't be a single sin that you have ever committed that He won't reveal....every wicked thought, every wicked deed. You will, before being sent to hell for all eternity, bow before Him and recognize Him as Lord.
The true believer has thoughts about Christmas that leave us in awe of our Savior! This Baby was the One who spoke and created the heavens and earth. We think of how He loved us so much that He humbled Himself to come down here to die violently so that we could have our sins forgiven and be in right relationship with Jehovah. The Christian longs for the glorious Day when our Master will return! We long to see Him exalted, to be magnified and glorified before all the earth! We love to think of Him in all of His splendor and glory, King of kings and Lord of lords! We often find ourselves looking up to the heavens and with much joy and anticipation saying, "Come, Lord Jesus!"
What about you? How do you think and feel about Jesus this Christmas season?

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