Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jesus in Your Circumstances

The holiday season is a very lonely time for so many people. There are those that feel as if nobody cares for them, and these feelings tend to mount during this time of year. And in the society we live in now, many people stay isolated in their homes, convinced that love and compassion will never come to them. There are those who long for a spouse to share their lives with. But for the child of God, Jesus is our heavenly Husband. He cares so much! He understands the hurt and pain of loneliness. He longs to comfort you with a comfort that just can't compare to who or what you will find here on this earth.
There are those people who long for a friend, someone close to their hearts that they can share their life's experiences with. Friends tell each other things and come alongside one another. It is nice to have someone that you can confide in and someone you know will always be there when you call. Jesus is waiting to be your Friend. If you belong to Him, then you have a Friend like nobody on earth.
Sometimes you may find yourself in situations and you just wish you had someone to give you good council. Maybe you are faced with some tough decisions and you long for someone wiser than yourself, whom you can turn to for advice. Jesus is that One. All wisdom belongs to Him. He longs to be your Shepherd. He is omniscient. There is nothing He doesn't know and no problem is big or hard in His eyes. It is so comforting to know that if you belong to Jesus, you can call on Him anytime night or day, and He will always be there for you. God never misleads His child, and He is always ready to give you His council.
My point is this, you don't have to go it all alone in this world. You don't have to do life all by yourself. Coming to the cross doesn't mean that all your problems go away. Usually, if you are walking in right relationship with your Lord, then your problems will be multiplied in this wicked world. But it means that you will always have an Advocate. You will always have Jehovah God on your side, fighting for you. You will know that you are loved and that you are cared for. You will have strength beyond measure because you will have the strength of the Lord your God. Beloved, if you are still without Christ, please ask Him to save you. Please repent of your sins and tell Him how much you need a Savior. Tell Him you know that He is God and that He died in order to save you. Plead for His precious blood to cover your sins and for Him to give you eternal life. Your problems might not go away but you will have a peace and joy unspeakable! And it will be the first Christmas in your entire life that your joy and peace will be real, and will last forever and ever!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Dana. The true joy is in discovering all these truths for oneself and living accordingly. So many can't even imagine how truly wonderful and faithful Jesus is!
